Model: CJC-1295
CJC-1295 it is a growth hormone, an analogue of the GHRH hormone. Athletes call it somatocrinin. The drug affects the pituitary gland and increases the amount of growth hormone. The cells of the pituitary gland influence the secretion of the hormone. CJC-1295 has a positive effect on the body:
- adds energy,
- improves sleep
- normalizes metabolism,
- improves the skin
- increases muscle growth.
The drug is popular due to the long half-life. The use of the drug 1 time before bedtime will achieve the effect of rejuvenation and increase growth hormone levels.
The history of the drug comes from ancient times. Athletes abroad actively use CJC-1295. This allows them to achieve great results, compared with domestic athletes. Now the drug is widely used by us. The drug is used by high-level athletes whose goal is the maximum allowable result without harm to the body. CJC-1295 is significantly better in performance than steroids. The muscle mass is very high quality and remains much longer after the drug is discontinued. Peptides help to gradually increase muscle mass, qualitatively affect the muscles and do not harm health.
Efficacy of taking CJC-1295
The effect is compared with the use of a hormone responsible for muscle growth. The difference is that an artificial hormone is a foreign introduction into the body, and the use of this drug is a stimulation of the production of natural growth hormone. The main advantages of the drug are:
- the addition of energy
- fat burning,
- a dramatic increase in the accumulation of lean muscle mass,
- strengthening immunity,
- strengthening the skeletal system
- strengthening joints and cartilage,
- normalization of the work of organs,
- easy recovery after hard workouts,
- skin improvement,
- rejuvenation.
The drug is prescribed for medical purposes to children who have a small coefficient of production of their own hormone responsible for growth.
The course of the drug
To increase the effect, the drug is often mixed with GHRP-6 or GHRP-2. Such a single injection will increase growth hormone levels by 10 times. Injections are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The standard dose is 1-2 mcg/kg maximum 3 times a day. The 2 mg ampoule contains 2000 mcg.
It is necessary to dilute the peptide with water for injection, which is sold in pharmacies. During dilution of the drug, water should flow down the walls of the ampoule. After that, you need to carefully dilute the drug in water. Under no circumstances should the bottle be shaken. You just need to rotate it a little. Thus, the peptide dissolves in water quite efficiently.
The drug is used before meals, after exercise and at bedtime. The time of taking the drug depends on the desired result.
You should start with the recommended doses, increasing the dosage will not bring a greater effect, but it will allow you to observe the body's reaction to the drug. Once you understand the effect of CJC-1295 on your body, you will be able to get the maximum benefit from the drug.
Important during the course are training, nutrition and sleep. The correct mode of the day will increase the result.
Before using the drug, you should consult with a specialist. Store the peptide in a cold, dry and dark place at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius above zero.